Acne is defined as “a long-term skin disease that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin clog hair follicles.” But even though it’s meaning may seem vague, there are several types of acne that can be subcategorized – and/or included – within this skin disease. Some of them are as follows; “whiteheads, blackheads, pustules (pimples), papules, cysts, and nodules.”
In turn, this is where treatment tends to get complicated because since each one is different, so is the method that is used to heal the condition. That’s why it’s important that one understands what each type of acne is so that they are able to easily recognize not only what they have, but what form of acne that they struggle with.
First and foremost are whiteheads which are defined as “small, whitish or flesh-colored spots or bumps.” Second are blackheads which are “small, black or dark-colored spots that may appear as slightly raised bumps.” Third are pustules (pimples) which “are larger, tender bumps with a defined circular center.” Fourth are papules which are “bumps under the skin’s surface”. Fifth is cysts which are “very large, soft, painful, red or white lumps situated deep in the skin.” And Sixth is nodules which are “hard, painful, inflamed lumps located deep within the skin.”
Whiteheads and blackheads are the easiest to treat, and can be treated with the help of items such as; “over-the-counter rinses, moisturizers, gels, toners, and creams.” But if that doesn’t work for that particular individual who is seeking out a cure then there are a variety of over-the-counter medicines that are a great deal of help as well, such as “benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, and resorcinol.”
However, with more serious cases, like nodules and cysts, more drastic measures are often taken; these consist of antibiotics, chemical peels, steroid injections, etc. The reason for this is because nodules and/or cysts are deep beneath the surface and cannot just be treated with simple remedies – such as face wash, a change in diet, and so on.
In conclusion, no matter what form of acne that you are struggling with it is always important to visit your local doctor. This is especially true if you are having trouble getting rid of your acne, or aren’t sure what form that you have. A medical expert will be able to determine such things, and work with you/help you in getting your skin health back on the right track.